Monday, September 07, 2009

The Reason for Falling Asleep during Classes

If I were to tell my parents these reasons

They'd kill me >_>


The Very Reasonable Reasons of Falling Asleep in Classes

1. Mild Insomnia

2. Nocturnal Habit eversince SPM finish

3. Too much Late Night Activites


- MSN ( I dun think u need to click to enlarge it but if u're half-blind then click lor.. lolx)

Convo between me and Wendy (Truth is, I posted this right after we chat. LOL.)

-Maple (Chiong in Fornax for "someone" Mike ) [P.S: Chionging spirit dead for now]

-Audition (A game that makes u press arrow keys and spacebar for a lot of time)

I love Korean songs after I started playing this game. lol.

I think the IGN (In Game Nick) is perfect for me. LOL.

Off to LaLaBlahBlahPooPoo Land~!
