Oh well..a small update here..
- Christina is in Australia now D:
- I'm retaking my JPJ on 15th June.
- I'm going to Sunway JB in July.
- I'm addicted to yaoi fanfics @_@
UsagixMisaki Romantica pair x3333
I HEART Misaki
Disclaimer: I'm not addicted to the smex scenes. -_- I'm addicted to the story!
Okay..small update ended o.olll
I still have LOOOOTTTSSS of stufffsss to blog about.
And I'm not motivated to update -___-
Just let me hide and slack for a few more days..
A few Moreeee Dayssss...
Then I'll come back and update everything in a day.
If not I will belanja everyone who complains O.O
AHHH forget it. I'm broke at the moment. LOL